
Building The Plugin For Older Versions of Unreal

New versions of brainCloud will always include both C++ source code and compiled binaries for the latest version of Unreal available when released.  However, if you are required to use an older version of Unreal but need the latest brainCloud features you will need to recompile the binaries.

NOTE: This is only required if your project is a Blueprint Only project! Source code projects will automatically prompt you to recompile if the binaries do not match your engine version.

Building The brainCloud Plugin

To begin, download the latest version of the brainCloud plugin from the Portal.  Client downloads can be found under Core App Info | Platforms.

Once you’ve got the latest plugin perform these steps:

  • Extract the zip
  • Inside the extracted folder, find the Binaries folder under BCClient
  • Delete the Binaries folder

We now need to create a project to recompile the source in.

  • Open the Unreal Editor and create a new C++ project.
  • Close the editor and Visual Studio/Xcode if they are open
  • Navigate to the newly created project’s root directory
  • Create a new folder called Plugins
  • Move the BCClient folder from the extracted zip into the Plugins folder

Now we’re ready to recompile the binaries.  Open the uproject file for the project and you should see this prompt:


Click Yes to rebuild the binaries for the plugin.  Once the build is complete the editor will open, close the editor to continue.

Navigate to the Project Root | Plugins | BCClient folder and you should see two new folders, Binaries and Intermediate.

  • Delete the Intermediate folder
  • Copy the BCClient folder out of the build project

The new BCClient folder is now ready to be added to your blueprint only project!  If you haven’t yet installed the plugin in your project see here for instructions.