
ValidateContactEmail script


This script gives an app a way to validate the user’s contact email when registering.


Click validateContactEmail.zip to download the file.


To configure these scripts, you must:

  • First, extract the zip file and import them into your app. Make sure S2S is checked since you will call this script from an external server.
  • Then go to Design | Cloud Code | WebHooks, and link ContactEmailWebhookUrl script into a new or existing webhook. Make sure you have at least one server created from my servers, so you can call the script from an external server.

You can test calling the script using a browser, Postman, or something similar – just to confirm that the logging is working. (reference S2S Scripts in brainCloud)

Test SendContactEmailVerification script from Design | Cloud Code | Cloud Code, or call it from your app. (make sure your email integration is set up properly since this script will send email to currently logged in user at the contact email address.)

Of course, if you want to view the results of responses, go to Monitoring| Recent Errors:

  • change the filter to show info messages – enable the [x] checkbox by the green “i” and hit [Refresh]
  • Click on a logline to view the details. The parameters will be displayed in the Context field, which you can expand by dragging the bottom-right corner of the dialog.

Example script of SendContactEmailVerification parameters (note: this example using simple plain text email, so will not use the second parameter for email, but you can use any template you built with SendGrid and pass it as the second parameter to this script and make a slight change to this script to get the template)

  "ttlmillis": 86400000,
  "sendgridtemplate": "xxx"

Example script of ContactEmailWebhookUrl parameters

  "parameters": {
      "email": "xxx@xxx.xxx",
      "code": "xxxx",
      "entityId": "xxxx"