Hugs from brainCloud!

We’ve got a smaller release for you this time. We’ve got a few bigger features cooking in the fires –  but in the meantime we thought we’d push out a few of the polish items and customer requests that we have queued.

Release Highlights

Authy OneTouch

We have enhanced our Two-Factor Authentication implementation to take advantage of Authy OneTouch for those users who are using the Authy App. It’s super convenient – no codes to enter! Just click [Approve] to confirm your login.


Customer API Requests

We’ve also released a few API enhancements at the request of some key customers. There are updates to Groups, Identities and the Cloud Code bridge. We hope you like them!


Portal Changes

We’ve made the following portal changes:

  • Login
    • During Two-Factor Authentication you’ll notice the red One Touch meter. It tells you that we’ve detected that you have the Authy app, and have sent a request that you can simply [Approve] without having to enter the authentication code.
      Note: The login screen will stop monitoring for One Touch approval after 5 minutes, after which you can still enter the verification code.
  • Power | Edit User
    • To ease the burden of 2FA, our login process optionally allows you to flag a device as trusted, so you won’t need to re-verify for 30 days. But what if you mistakenly hit that option when logging in from a public computer? Witness the new [Clear Trusted Devices] option on the Two-Factor tab of the Edit User dialog. Ta-dah! 🙂
    • Team Administrators can now unlink Two-factor Authentication from other user’s accounts (allows self-fixing of TFA-issues should they arise)
  • General
    • Minor updates (for clarification and consistancy) to icons used throughout the portal.


API Changes

The following changes/additions have affected the brainCloud API:

  • Cloud Code Bridge
    • New GetProfileId() method returns the profile id of the current user. Saves having to call to the PlayerState proxy for the information.
    • New GetName() method returns the name of the current user
    • New GetEmail() method returns the email address of the current user
  • Groups API
    • Updated GetMyGroups() method to additionally return groups that you have been invited to and have requested to join.
  • Identity API
    • New GetIdentities() method returns a list of the non-anonymous identities associate with the current profile. This method is useful to learn if the user has already associated a Facebook account with their profile, for example.
    • New GetExpiredIdentities() method returns a list of identitities with the current profile whose authentication tokens  that have expired (and should be refreshed)

We have also deprecated the following methods:

  • Authentication Service
    • Deprecated GenerateGUID() and GenerateNewAnonymousId() – replaced with GenerateAnonymousId() method, which works in a more consistant manner.

Miscellaneous Changes / Fixes

  • Updated libraries
    • All libraries have been updated with the latest API enhancements. Go get ’em!
  • Documentation updates
    • Added Versioning overview to the Appendix summary of the API REF docs
    • Updated AsyncMatch documentation
    • Updated Leaderboard documentation
    • Better pre-hook cloud code examples
  • Source updates
    • Removed JSON return data from the client source code, since that data is now included (and more likely to be up-to-date) in the API REF documentation
  • Important Fixes
    • During login, if user’s timezone has changed, the user’s timezone as recorded in segments is updated as well
    • Fix to Facebook purchase handling which could sometimes cause virtual currencies to be awarded twice in some circumstances
    • Added Facebook real-time payments transactions to the request logs
  • Plus miscellaneous fixes and performance enhancements…